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Long Tube Jet

Long tube Jet dyeing machine working concept is same compare with Convention Rapid long tube jet dyeing machine. Though the major advantage of this machine is liquor ration is nearly half than conventional rapid Jet dyeing machine. In this machine fabric does not float but it run nearly in dry condition. Another benefit of this machine is it’s single vessel with two chamber design. Due to this design fabric loop length is reduce additionally bringing down the running cost, capital cost as well as processing time.




Long Tube Jet

Long tube Jet dyeing machine working concept is same compare with Convention Rapid long tube jet dyeing machine. Though the major advantage of this machine is liquor ration is nearly half than conventional rapid Jet dyeing machine. In this machine fabric does not float but it run nearly in dry condition.

Another benefit of this machine is it’s single vessel with two chamber design. Due to this design fabric loop length is reduce additionally bringing down the running cost, capital cost as well as processing time.


Technical Specification

  • Capacity : 250 to 400Kg.
  • Dye – 30 To 450 Grams/Meter. Sq. Fabrics (Woven & Knitted Fabrics)
  • Low Liquor ratio: 1:3 to 1:4 (Wet fabric)
  • High Temp. – Up to 140 ° C.
  • Vessel made from – SS 316 L
  • Single Vessel two chamber to reduce the loop length as well as process time.
  • Inside PTFE Teflon sheet for entangle operation.
  • Online washing system.
  • Specially design bow jet nozzle for extra force.
  • Fabric drive reel with frequency controller.

Payment, Taxes and Delivery

Payment: 40% Advance & Balance against Proforma Invoice prior to dispatch.

Delivery: Delivery of machine is ideally comes within 4 to 6 weeks.

Freight: Will be paid by the customer.

Sales Tax: GST 18% (Domestic Orders) Or Vat 4% +1% No CST against form “H”( Export Orders).

Erection: Will be charged extra per machine over and above given price.

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    3. Pay The Advance

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    4. Product Under Construction

    Product goes under Construction according agreed time.

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    5. Pay The Rest Amount

    Pay the balance amount as your machine get ready to dispatch.

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    6. Shipment Initiated

    Shipment option available through Manufacturer.

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    7. Installation

    Finally, the product will be installed at your plant.

SKU: N/A Category:

250 Kgs, 300 Kgs, 400 Kgs





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  • Compressive Shrinking Range

    0 out of 5

    The Sole purpose of the Controlled Compressive Shrinking Range or ZEROZERO is to ensure that the garment made from such fabric does not shrink after the wash hence perfect dimensional stability.

    As per standard, + / -1 % residual shrinkage is acceptable. Controlled Compressive Shrinking Range or ZEROZERO are available up to  3200mm working width fabric to assure total shrinkage protection to woven fabrics. It can be 100% cotton, cotton/polyester, cotton/viscose or tough and heaviest fabric like denimCompressive Shrinking Range or ZEROZERO developed in a way that can shrinkage up to 12% in a single passage.

    The most capable of shrinking medium, lightweight fabric to the heaviest denim, cotton blended suiting & shirting by watering cotton, terylene, hemp and its blends to shrink the cloth to meet the requirements of shrinkage, stabilization and improve the hand touch.

    A controlled Compressive Shrinking Range is usually the last process in the sequence of fabric finishing. The woven fabric processed in the machine gets fully shrunk.

    Before compressive shrinking, it is advisable to establish the width at which the cloth should get shrunk in length to meet the requirement of the garment makers. It is the best Fabric Finishing machinery.

    🔸 Technical Specification

    ✅ A.C. frequency conversion transmission, designed speed: 10-80m/minute.
    ✅ Shrinkage 0 – 12 % depending upon fabric quality.
    ✅ Minimum and controlled tension.
    ⭕ Imported Rubber Blanket and Polyester Felt will be provided optionally.
    ✅ A Jacketed drum in 1500mm, 2000mm and 2500mm diameters.
    ✅ Stainless Steel damping & conditioning unit supplied as standard Parts.


    SKU: n/a
  • Regular Jet

    0 out of 5

    Regular Jet dyeing

    This machine is best for polyester fabric dyeing cause it runs on a high pressure of high-temperature water. Regular Jet dyeing is economical because the low liquor ratio reduces everything.

    The fabric inside this polyester dyeing machine moves solely due to the force of water. 

    It is user-friendly because, If we compare it with a Long tube dyeing machine. Four valves are necessary to control the fabric’s motion. Here in Regular Jet dyeing, there is only one valve.

    Absent of reel, reduce connecting electric power, maintenance of two mechanical seals and breakdown time if Jet pressure and reel speed are not synchronized.

    Nearly 4000 without fabric drive reel devices are saving energy and lowering pollution in 20 countries.

    🔸 Technical Specification

    ✅ Capacity: 25 to 400Kg.(Single Tube)
    ✅Ultra Low Liquor Ratio – 1:1 (Wet Fabric)
    ✅ Dye – 30 To 450 Grms./Mtr. Sq. Fabrics (Woven & Knitted Fabrics)
    ✅ High Temp. – Up to 140 ° C.
    ✅ Fabric Speed – 300 Mtr./Min.
    ✅ Vessel: SS 316 L

    Best Polyester dyeing machine with a low liquor ratio in a Jet dyeing form.


    SKU: D/JD-1
  • Chainless Merceriser

    0 out of 5

    Chainless Merceriser

    The Chainless Merceriser is the most Significant procedure for the cloth. Chainless Merceriser machine there are following features in it.

    • To begin with, Chainless Merceriser is one of the most fundamental steps for finishing cotton fabrics. Merceriser involves treating organic material with high-caustic soda solutions. In other words, it eliminates impurities or undesired particles from the cloth before completing other processes. 
    • Secondly, It rolls cloth on batching trolley from fold/loose form by pressure roll assisted with twin – Pneumatic Cylinders, AC Motor & Gearbox.
    • Thirdly, The caustic soda-impregnated Fiber reflects light, making it brighter. It also boosts hygroscopicity, strength, and dye affinity. 
    • Fourthly, The operating width of a chainless merceriser can range from 1500mm to 3500 mm, as preferred by the customer.
    • Fifthly, It can process woven fabrics with capacities ranging from 70 to 700 grammes per square metre
    • Lastly, It is available in various sizes and speeds ranging from 8 to 40 metres per minute.
    In conclusion, this merceriser machine is best suitable for the garment industry Dyeing & printing plants.


    ➡ Increase dye Affinity
    ➡ Improve Luster
    ➡ Add more Tensile Strength
    ➡ Increase Dimensional Stability of Warp & Weft yarn.
    ➡ Elimination of immature or Dead Cotton
    ➡ Improved Handling effects.
    ➡ Tailored to the customer’s specifications.



    SKU: P/CM-1
  • ,

    Gas Boiler

    0 out of 5

    GAS Boiler 

    The Gas Boiler is a packaged three-pass smoke tube with a total wet back boiler. Gas Boiler comes in two three series for burning light oils & gas and heavy oils. 

    The Gas Boiler also can be customized to a complete skid mount unit on customer demand.

    When fitted with a particular burner, these boilers are ideal for burning waste gases like biogas from the decomposition of organic matter in distilleries.


    ✅ Three-pass smoke tube with complete wet back boiler.
    ⭕ Multi-fuel option – light oils/heavy oils/gases
    ✅ High efficiency of about 88% to 95%
    ✅ High dryness fraction steam increases usable heat.
    ✅ Gas Boiler Comes with mono-block/ dual block/steam atomized burner with world-renowned Technology from (ITALY)
    ⭕ An additional option of oil pre-heater confirming EN safety standards
    ✅Corrugated furnaces for boilers above
     6 TPH capacity.
    ⭕ Optional PLC-based control panels that would be linked to SCADA or DCS systems.


    🔸 Operating Range:  

    ➡ Capacities In the range of 1.0 TPH to 15 TPH
    ➡ Pressure: In the range of 10.54 to 17.54 Kg/cm2 (g)
    ➡ Firing fuels: LDO, FO, LSHS & Natural Gas 
    ➡ Efficiency: Overall efficiency of 88 % (+/-2%) on NCV

    SKU: H/GB-1
  • Automatic Jigger

    0 out of 5

    Automatic JIGGER is one of the best dyeing machine inventions for simplifying the dying process. Automatic JIGGER  is a Hybrid of hydraulic & conventional JIGGER.

    Automatic JIGGER comes with two types 1st one is OPEN TYPE & other one is CLOSE TYPE.

    Where One-hand OPEN TYPE Automatic JIGGER comes with all the benefits like 

    ✅ Auto tension control
    ✅ Auto speed control
    ✅ Auto cycle control
    ✅ Circulation system with filters to avoid centre to selvedge
    ✅ Suitable for any exhaust pre-treatment, dyeing & finish process
    ✅ Tension setting device to avoid running crease & machine jerks

    ⭕ Auto pendulum control
    ⭕ Batching or winch device (optional)
    ⭕ Auto water level controller (optional)
    ⭕ Pneumatic operated drain (optional)

    Otherhand CLOSE TYPE Automatic JIGGER comes with the additional features like

    ✅ Auto circulation system
    ✅ Auto temperature controller
    ✅ A fully covered jigger will save utilities

    ⭕ Dosing side tank facility
    ⭕ Circulation system with filters to avoid centre to narrow border (optional)

    The tension control system allows Automatic JIGGER to dye any fabric with ease. One operator can run four Automatic JIGGER machines simultaneously thanks to its PLC system, and the individual drive “automatic dyeing jigger” runs on zero tension on the fabric. 

    Automatic JIGGER uses both rollers powered by separate gearboxes and motors on inverter drives which do wonders for uniform dyes, even when running at varying speeds.

    In conclusion, it is the best-woven dyeing machine, fabric dyeing machine or Cotton dyeing machine.

    🔶 Technical Specification

    ✅ Capacity: 300 Kg. to 2000 kg. [OPEN]
    ✅ Capacity: 500 Kg. to 2000 kg. [CLOSE]
    ✅ Available Width: 1250mm to 3400mm
    ✅ S.S. Structure 304 Out Outer body 316 mail rolls plus inner bottom
    ✅ 0 to 10 Kgs. (Tension less operation Possible)
    ✅ Suitable for any Fabric from 30gsm to 500gsm
    ✅ S.S. Cladded Main Roll
    ✅ Pneumatic cylinders operated doors [CLOSE]
    ✅ Individual drive on each roller
    ✅Speed & tension control through a drive


    SKU: n/a
  • Desizing Machine

    0 out of 5

    Desizing machine

    Desizing is the process of removing the size applied during weaving. The purpose of this fabric processing machinery Desizing machine is to remove the sizing ingredients such as starches, gums, PVA etc.

    The starch has to be degraded into less water-soluble molecules by hydrolysis. The hydrolysis of starch using enzymes under particular concentration, temperature and duration is called desizing.

    Desizing can do at room temperature to boiling temperature as per the quality of the enzyme.

    Desizing Tank is made from Stainless Steel material. The tank can have open or fully enclosed construction as per requirement. The number of rollers in the tank facilitates suitable liquor takeup of every kind of fabric which is to be desized.

    Desizing machine speed can be lowered or raised for proper take-up of the liquor for different grades of cloth.

    🔸 Key Functions:


    ✅ 5 to 60Mtrs/Min operational speed.
    ⭕ Automatic or manual dozing system (Optional)
    ✅ Auto Steam Control.
    ✅ Easy usage.
    ⭕ Chemical preparation tanks (Optional)
    Desizing machines are available from 1600mm to 3400mm fabric width.


    SKU: P/DM-1
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